Traffic enforcement camera, enabling smart transportation with technology


With the rapid development of the national economy, the scale and flow of motor vehicles in urban areas have increased significantly, and various accidents caused by motor vehicles have also increased, ranging from affecting travel, causing property damage, and seriously injuring people's health and even life. have a significant impact on the transportation ecology. In order to ensure the safety of people's livelihood and ease the traffic, all localities have increased the construction and investment in Traffic enforcement camera system of the local urban.

The Traffic monitoring system has extremely high requirements on the stability of the network. The videos and pictures taken by the Traffic enforcement camera involve sensitive information such as license plates, and information security is equally important. Therefore, how to build a stable, efficient and complete monitoring system has become a problem that needs to be solved at present.

Caimore launched a solution of Traffic enforcement camera based on CM520 industrial gateway, which can realize network security and efficient interconnection, and also effectively prevent motor vehicle traffic violations, reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents, and promote traffic order to a virtuous circle to ensure vehicle safety driving, build an information-based, intelligent traffic management system.

Caimore Traffic enforcement camera system

The solution is equipped with CM520 industrial gateway, controllable vehicle number recognition device, vehicle intelligent sensor, integrated high-definition camera, platform sensor and other equipment, and uses automatic monitoring and precise measurement technology to monitor and collect vehicles running the wrong way, illegal U-turns, vehicles running red lights, Traffic violations such as vehicle pressing, crossing the line, and violating the prohibited line.

Using data stream and video double overlay technology to enlarge and identify vehicle number plates, locate and take close-up shots of illegal vehicles, and enable GPS technology to locate the location of illegal vehicles, and upload road traffic information to the monitoring center through 5G/4G, WiFi and other wireless networks. Then generate a traffic violation report, which includes: road panorama, vehicle number plate positioning, vehicle appearance, and the entire process of vehicle violations. The traffic control department can obtain the surveillance video of various road sections at any time through the monitoring center to realize remote violation information viewing.

Program value

1. Combined with road conditions, vehicle monitoring and other video and image information for unified management and resource sharing, so as to achieve the purpose of scientific scheduling and efficient command.

2. Equipped with Caimore industrial IoT gateway CM520, it can realize the upload and release of information from the transportation department, the coordinated work of multi-level traffic operation monitoring, and the coordination and linkage of dispatch centers in various industries.

3. Traffic department managers can obtain real-time traffic information by connecting with mobile APP, PC terminal, WeChat public account, etc., so as to realize real-time reporting and rapid response to traffic incidents.

Advantages of Caimore CM520 industrial gateway

1. Stability

Unattended, it still maintains a stable operating state in humid, lightning, dust and other environments, providing a continuous and stable network for traffic information communication, allowing traffic information data to be transmitted back to the server in real time for remote scheduling, monitoring and viewing, alleviating traffic police work pressure.

2. Security

Using standards-based VPN technology, it can realize the secure interconnection of remote networks and protect the traffic information data provided by the intelligent monitoring of electronic police

3. Real-time data

Through the wireless network of the Caimore gateway, the real-time collected video, snapshot pictures and other road traffic information are uploaded to the monitoring platform to ensure the timeliness of the data.

4. Ease of maintenance

The device has the online maintenance function of self-checking, which can monitor its own running status and repair it, and solve problems through remote debugging and configuration.

5. Low cost

The wireless 5G/4G router is a solution to replace the wired fiber, without wiring, with low construction cost and short cycle.



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