Function and selection of RTU

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With the continuous development of the Internet of Things, the application of technology in the Internet of Things has become more and more extensive, especially the application of communication technology in the Internet of Things, and RTU is one of them.

What is RTU

RTU is a wireless data acquisition and transmission terminal, which is an electronic device installed at a remote site to monitor and measure sensors and equipment installed at a remote site. It usually consists of signal input/output modules, microprocessors, wired/wireless communication equipment, power supplies and housings.

RTU has good communication capability and large storage capacity, is suitable for environments with poor temperature and humidity, and provides more computing functions, and has been widely used in SCADA systems ( Supervisory control and data acquisition). 

Main functions of RTU

1. Remote function: The monitoring function completed by the long-distance information transmission between the RTU and the control center.

1) Telemetry: RTU uploads the collected operating parameters of the plant to the dispatch center according to the protocol.

2) Remote signaling: RTU uploads the collected operating status of the plant to the dispatch center according to the protocol.

3) Remote control: The command sent by the dispatch center to the RTU to change the running state of the equipment.

4) Remote adjustment: the command sent by the dispatch center to the RTU to adjust the operating parameters of the equipment.

5) Recording and recalling of event data: It has the functions of collecting event sequence records in real time and freezing accident recalling.

6) Unified clock: receive and execute timing commands, with timing function, support GPRS timing.

7) Forwarding: Receive telecontrol information from multiple sub-stations, assemble and forward to the designated dispatch center according to the protocol.

8) Provide several communication protocols for remote transmission: each interface can transmit different protocol data according to the remote settings.

2. Local function:

RTU and connected recording equipment realize monitoring function.

1) CRT display: directly connected with the RTU or through the CRT of the local workstation, the four remote information collected by the RTU can be displayed.

2) Report printing: timing printing, event recording printing and calling printing.

3) Self-inspection and self-repair: program self-recovery, equipment self-adjustment, self-diagnosis, monitoring of active and standby channels.

RTU selection points

1. Select the RTU that meets the national standard specification, which can adapt to the application of various information projects;

2. The network selection is confirmed according to the usage environment and on-site signal strength.

3. According to the needs of the project, choose the interface that meets your needs. It is best to choose RTU with multiple interfaces to facilitate access.

4. It is recommended to use an all-in-one machine for the collection and transmission functions, so that the collection and transmission will be controlled by the same CPU, the communication will be more stable, and the cost will be saved.

5. Selection of functions: as long as the requirements are met, the more functions, the more electricity and the higher the price.

6. Whether it is an industrial standard, wide temperature, wide voltage, power reverse protection, high voltage lightning strike, and electrostatic protection functions.

RTU selection - CM550-56X RTU

CM550-56 4G/3G+ZIGBEE RTU can realize comprehensive functions such as data acquisition, storage, control, alarm and transmission. This product is widely used in remote monitoring and control fields such as water conservancy monitoring, environmental protection testing, meteorological testing, earthquake monitoring, and traffic control.

CM550-56 RTU is an industrial-grade data telemetry terminal, industrial-grade design, using industrial-grade 32-bit high-performance embedded processor, software multi-level detection and hardware multi-protection mechanism to improve equipment stability. Support global network, rich interface, flexible use.

In a word, it has complete functions, high cost performance and optional configuration, which is worthy of your choice.



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